'O Mighty Thing, The Albatross

Friday, October 27, 2006

Again, The Road

Travel is an integral part of me. a spice of my life for certain. if there's a chance to go somewhere and do something there, i'm probably down for it. it's probably just an effect of having the restless heart that i've got. no problems with that per se, it's just i'm not the biggest fan of being so impatient with where i currently am. but that's okay. and it's another story.

the road. oh, yes, the road. is it an escape or is it adventure? it certainly used to be both, and sometimes still is. however, i'm pretty content with where i am for the moment, but i know it's my thing to rove. to roam. to travel. that's why i do it. whether it be to college station, to austin, to denton, to waco, to houston (hahaha), to oklahoma, to california, to the hills, to (God forbid) hunstville, to a hotel, to my house, into nature, to the sea, to england, or even to india, it's written in my nature. that's nice, because i love it so. this weekend the road's taking me to waco. i love revisiting past chapters and facets of my life. camp buckner is one such thing and i do love many of the people i came to know and depend on while there. the 1337 cats from school are the same way, as is my family, and the heights kids who have endlessly blessed my life. sometimes, it seems, the journey is just as much the people as it is the trip and the destination. i guess that's why i travel alone a lot. but honestly, i'm not that big a fan of driving for hours by myself. 'o travelling companion, where art thou? ...no, it's okay. you'll be found eventually. there are many people that i carry for a little while on my travels, and i'm thankful for tagging along for a bit of their personal endeavors along the road of life. i click on the cruise control and He takes me where He takes me. i would love to be the kind of person who travels the road and makes many beneficial stops along the way, helping whoever, giving a ride to the occasional hitch-hiker (should this be done? i hate that we must live where so much fear has taken hold of this concept), and just taking some time to revel in the beauty God has placed in creation and in life.
so hop on in, put on some great music, pop on the cruise control, and head on out towards your destination. there's something there, but there's a bit along the way, as well. love the life you're given!! do what you need to, but take time. take time to enjoy this life and bless others. because you yourself are pretty blessed, aren't you? can't disagree there. i love it and i love you and hope we might run into eachother on one of these fantastic travels.

hit the road. :)


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