'O Mighty Thing, The Albatross

Saturday, May 24, 2008

it's been ONE WEEK since blah blahblahblah

remember that 'barenaked ladies' song? yeah... neither do i. oh, the '90s... anyway, i've been living here in nyc for a week now. what have i learned so far? umm, plenty! one, this city's big and there's lots to do, but it's easy to get bored because you don't know exactly what you WANT to DO. two, everything, i mean everything, is expensive. i'm doin' alright but i'm definitely learning that money's a rare commodity here.

in other news, working at the church is awesome. the staff folks are really cool and i'm starting to get a good idea of all i'll be doing when the mission groups start getting here. i think my day-to-day "job" will be a lot more fun when those folks do get here. my roommates are pretty cool so far, i hang out with one a lot more than the other. just how it goes i guess! we went to a bar in brooklyn to unwind yesterday after our respective jobs. it was really nice to get away from manhattan for a little while; you really can tell the difference from one borough to another.

i need to quit sleeping at the wrong times... it could mess up my internal clock EVEN MORE than it already is... i think i'm done for now! we walked around central park today; there will be lots more of that for me throughout the summer. i think we're gonna go to the nintendo store and goof around on the wiis.

~the albatross can't afford two dollar hot-dogs...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

New York: Yep!

hey gang! drew here. new york's really nice, if you can excuse the constant busy-ness, insanity, and just epic scale it's on. i've started my job at the Apostles Church, where i (only currently) work at a desk and schedule out the mission trips for the summer (of which there are seven). the first one gets here in under two weeks; it's pretty exciting! i have two roommates (one more to come in june) in my big apartment. one of them's from detroit and pretty similar to me, which is fun. the other one is from topeka, kansas, and just moved in. more on them in future posts, i'm sure. things are good! everything is expensive, the church staff is awesome, and God is great. i should return the favor more often, i think. hope y'all are doin' great! peace!

~the albatross has landed

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

E-Mail minus E equals..?

hi there! salutations! ...echo??

anyways i'd like to take a moment to let y'all know that i'm moving to New York City (Manhattan Island for the stickler among you) in three days. that's very soon. i don't know what to do with myself, other than watch Speed Racer, aparrently. it's excellent, by the way. anyways anyways, here is my mailing address for the summer. i figure only people i dig show up here on m'blog so EAT YER HEARTZ OUT!

Drew E Lyons
50 W 34th St
Apt # 5A9
New York, NY 10001

oh yeah, Iron Man was great too.

~t-minus three days, albatross

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hey, Kids! Comics!

the semester's almost over and i'm about to move to NEW YORK CITY!! 
yes, it's true, and i can't wait. ELEVEN DAYS.
been spending a lot of time at Zuda Comics. fun webcomics by DC 
where they have a monthly competition to see which 
8-screen sample (of ten) gets to be a new series.
Check it out, make a profile, and vote! preferably for "E", 
it's pretty weird/cool and the artwork is AMAZING.
also, while i'm SO pumped about leaving, i'm gonna miss 
a bunch of people. let's hang before i go!
~the albatross is ready to flap them wings