'O Mighty Thing, The Albatross

Thursday, May 22, 2008

New York: Yep!

hey gang! drew here. new york's really nice, if you can excuse the constant busy-ness, insanity, and just epic scale it's on. i've started my job at the Apostles Church, where i (only currently) work at a desk and schedule out the mission trips for the summer (of which there are seven). the first one gets here in under two weeks; it's pretty exciting! i have two roommates (one more to come in june) in my big apartment. one of them's from detroit and pretty similar to me, which is fun. the other one is from topeka, kansas, and just moved in. more on them in future posts, i'm sure. things are good! everything is expensive, the church staff is awesome, and God is great. i should return the favor more often, i think. hope y'all are doin' great! peace!

~the albatross has landed


  • dude, you're working at apostles?! that is so awesome, man. the whole church planting gig is phenomenal and i've heard nothing but great things about apostles. be sure to update and let me know when you see celebrities. also, all that you learn while working there.

    By Blogger C.A. Matallana, at 10:11 AM  

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