'O Mighty Thing, The Albatross

Friday, December 07, 2007

2007 in Music Part 4: Can I Get a Hallelujah?!

We're really gettin' into it now!! There are some real winners on this part of the list (15-11) so ENJOY

15.The Devil Wears Prada- Plagues (Rise) August 21 “Most Improved Band”

I used to HATE this band. A dumb name based off a book and girly movie, and whiny high vox… not a good situation. They were young and just seemed to inexperienced and over the top. Then came 2007, and the album Plagues. Their sound is more grown up, but still way brutal and massive. These kids KNOW HOW to make good metal. Why it’s up here: I just told you ALL those reasons. It cooks and it’s AMAZING. Oh, and the keyboards. And bass blasts. Why it’s down here: Not everybody can be the best, there’s been a lot of CDs this year! And honestly, I’m still not huge on the high/whiny vocals that they employ sometimes. Jam This Song- “The Scorpion Deathlock”

14. Maylene & the Sons of Disaster- II (Ferret) March 20 “Flash in the Pan”

I remember the first time I gave this album a listen-through. It was a full month or so before the album came out, leaked onto the internet. My roomies and I ate it up, listening to it all the way through several times daily. These guys are the epitome of Southern Metal, mixing hardcore, metal, southern rock, classic rock, and pure sweat and facial hair to make some astonishing music. Why it’s up here: Maylene is a force of nature on its own, and this album further proves that point. Three guitarists and the former vocalist of Underoath (ooowwweee, kids!) prove that these cats have the chops to get the job done. Why it’s down here: We got burned out on it, plain and simple. Not the highest replay value in the world, but we really did listen to it a ton. Jam This Song: “Wylie”, “Death is an Alcoholic”. Bonus Award: Album of Quarter 2 2007

13. Neon Horse- Neon Horse (Tooth & Nail) May 8 “Mysterious Sensation”

The fun about 2007 newcomers Neon Horse is that… nobody knows who they are. No members’ names are given, not even a number of members in the band. They’ve never put on a live show, but whoever and however many of them there are, were all parts of several various Los Angeles rock bands, and eventually formed Neon Horse. Speculation abounds and I personally have a few great theories (and a little bit of affirmation from one of my previously mentioned suspects) but don’t worry yourself with such notions. Just know that Neon Horse is some seriously fun indie rock. Why it’s up here: Rock filled with indie and ‘80s influences, fun and smart keys, and just a great feel and vibe make Neon Horse one of the nicer breaths of fresh air to come out of Tooth & Nail lately. Why it’s down here: The vocals are definitely an acquired taste, and being the debut album with a reasonable 12 tracks, there’s not a lot of material to satiate a craving (unless you have some more-than-decent theories on a few of the members of the band like I do). Jam This Song: “Cuckoo!”, “I Know- I Just Don’t Care”, “Crazy Daisy”

12. Once Nothing- Earth Mover EP (CI Records) July 24 “Can I Get A Hallelujah?!”

Oh man. Now we’re REALLY gettin’ to the good stuff. Once Nothing was a Cornerstone 2007 find (though I didn’t actually see them perform, they were just really cool) that led me to a myspace page… that led me to “Put Some Stank on It”. These Pennsylvania dudes are about as Southern as they come… and I did mention that they’re from Pittsburgh, right? North of the Mason-Dixon line, just in case your geography’s a bit off. Nevertheless, the easiest way to explain this music is to take a little Maylene & the Sons of Disaster, add in a dash of August Burns Red, and mix it in with whatever you would think violence would sound like if it was music. Yes, go ahead. Try. Why it’s up here: This is what metalcore is supposed to be! It’s five LONG tracks of brutal blast-beats and breakdowns, filled with raunchy growls and screams, nasty guitar licks, catchy rhythms, and some of the sickest drum beats you’ll ever find. It’s like the drummer’s… not so much a drummer, but a master of guns, and he’s firing all he’s got straight at your face. Why it’s down here: No offense, boys! It’s an EP, only six tracks long. That having been said, their forthcoming 2008 Solid State release will probably grace the peaks of next year’s Year in Review list. Jam This Song: “Put Some Stank on It”, “Waves”, “All My Heroes Are Cowboys”. Bonus Award: “EP of the Year”

11. Life in Your Way- Waking Giants (Solid State) March 6 “Strong-Soft STROFT”

Though Life in Your Way has been churning out spirit-filled hardcore music since my VERY pre-hardcore/metal days of 2001, I hadn’t listened to them until their Solid State release Waking Giants came out. Boy, am I glad I checked them out. They have one of the roughest vocal styles I’ve heard in a long time, and just when you think you can’t take any more of the hardcore madness, the mood changes completely and the band lulls you with beautiful harmonies and melodic riffs. A great escape from their particularly brutal hardcore onslaughts, it’s well worth it when (and if) you make it to the softer parts. Why it’s up here: This album was pretty defining as far as 2007 went, and if you know much about my musical tastes (you ARE reading this), you know I really value a good blend of hard (read: heavy and/or brutal) and soft (read: melodic) music. Why it’s down here: Sometimes the brutal and harsh vocals are a bit too much even for me. I’ll be trying to play it for someone who’s not really hard music-inclined, and they usually can’t suffer through the rough stuff to make it to the pretty stuff. Jam This Song: “Salty Grave”, “Beneath It All”, “Threads of Sincerity”. Bonus Award: Album of Quarter 1 2007


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