'O Mighty Thing, The Albatross

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Don't Bring Me Down (Bruuuuce!)

it's time for a change in perspective. thankfully i've been given a new one by talking to and confiding in some of the people that i love, and that love me. love. love love love.

this word is probably written in bold capital letters on the core of my person. or at least i sure hope so. lately i've found some stuff in me that's more bitter and hating than loving. these things don't coexist well; they pollute and obstruct, which always make the negative one the victor. this having been said, i'm done with it. or i'm working on it. let love reign. why?

love is God. God is love.

i hope that encourages you. when others love us, let's be joyful! return love with love, not self-directed bitterness! i'm having to learn to accept things, and to understandd things that i'll have to coexist with for the rest of my life. but... i'm learning. it can be done. more encouragement.

i don't know who reads this, but i don't need to either. i'm just throwin' this stuff out there. good to say, i guess. i hope if you find this and read what i've got to say, it could mean something to you. maybe just to brighten your day. every day won't be great, but i gotta say, things are looking up. much love to you.



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