'O Mighty Thing, The Albatross

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Last Time For Everything

farewell, dallas. i'll find you again some day,a year older and such. i'll be spending the end of the year travelling about, then meeting with old friends, my heart, my home, to bring in 2007. gooooood deal. so now i shall wander on, drew lyons wild wintour (brought to you by chrysler, exxon, wells fargo, sonic, and jack n the box) shall commence once again. see you when i find you... the break's great, i feel freed from dbu... but i'm excited to get back... i am. :) later.

~the albatross has enough money for one of his tattoos...?

Friday, December 22, 2006


don't read this. i just posted this so my previous post shows up. it's the most smartest.

~the albatross is jealous that dusek got to see real albatrosses... blast.

Go East, Young Challenger!!

i have journeyed east, with my father, to henderson for a most vile and ancient ritual. we call it "family Christmas", but you'd probably have to rip out your tongue and chew on it for a couple hours to pronounce or comprehend what it actually means. at this time of year, the usually patriarchal system of the planet gives way to five female beings of unholy power and determination, who shape the cosmos for this period of time. the "sisters with names rhyming" to to coerce their progeny into carrying out meaningless tasks for the sole purpose of "lookin' busy". the spawn of these four have grown into self-aware (and pretty freakin' awesome) creatures, and use this annual alignment of the stars to unite and bask in their collective glory and fun-potential. sometimes others mix in with the great seven, the children of the four. the others usually shine bright but rarely last, for the synergy of the seven is unstoppable.

i am one of the seven. i am here, at our gathering ground, alone for the time being. tomorrow, a second of seven will join, and our power will be a hundredfold... until the third, fourth, and so on arrive until the seven are reunited. then we eat delicious southern cookin', exchange crappy white elephant gifts, open presents in the most ridiculous manner imaginable, and play a game called "hide and seek" that is nothing like your "hide and go seek"... trust me. there has been bloodshed caused by people thinking that that game was something it wasn't... don't judge a book by its cover.

what i'm trying to say is, it's Christmas time. maybe not the real Christmas yet, but who says Jesus was born on the 25th? who even says He was born when the bc met the ad? i sure don't. Christmas is celebrating family and friends and love. love love love. celebrate the amazing blessings God has given us, especially the gift of Jesus Christ, so that us crappy sinners can finally live again. if i got too religious for ya, that's yer deal.

...just how i see things. later, gang! enjoy your family, your friends, your love, your life, and most definitely God's blessings this time o' year... and hopefully the rest of it. peace on earth... maybe next year.

~the albatross sucks at wrapping presents.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Nomadic Mania!

it's a texas psychobilly freakout!!! i'm done with school and roaming the earth as i see fit. i lay my head where it falls. sometimes it falls in the house i'm supposed to live in. it's cool, but i don't have a room there. so my head falls on the nice couch sometimes. sometimes it falls in the rooms i don't have residence in at good ol' lange dormitory... thanks dbu pals for bummin' me spots.

anyhow, winter is here, and i love the winter. so um... get cold please. please. i've been guitar hero 2-ing a lot... it's fun... i can't wait for family Christmas and buckner reunion ooh ooh! and i've got to see so many cherised friends, it's a real treat. i also gotta get back with the 1337 kr3w of course... dang. i've been blessed.

...i love a ton of people.

...and they love me back. high five!

~the albatross itches for the cold

Monday, December 11, 2006

Strike Up A Dirge...

...there's about to be a death, by way of murder.

with the victim finally revealed, four guardsmen called "the finals" arose to protect their evil leader, the one known as the fall semester of school. intimidating and fearsome, they strive to relentlessly guard their prince and rend and tear asunder anyone who would try to combat school. but, with all kingdoms, this one was doomed to so come to an end. the clever albatross had been chained to the castle tower for some time and had finally managed to saw off a few chain-links. he wasn't bound to the wall but he was still chained, not free. the only release to be able to enjoy the castle or the surrouding lands, the only chance the once-mighty albatross had was to completely destroy the evil ruler controlling the castle.

he approached the prince of classes and exclaimed "o dark ruler! o false champion! i am your undiong! leave while you can, free this kingdom, or action will be taken!"

the vile cretin laughed and ordered his guardians to execute the albatross and make of him a display for the people, so they would fear resistance. the guardsmen chased the battered and broken albatross to the gates of the city and quit running, all but the englishman. he continued after the albatross, eager to impress the ruler.

unfortunately for him, it was a trap.

after not returning, the greek guardsman went to search for the englishman. he instead found the albatross.

two of the finals are utterly dead; the other two are soon to follow in the path of failure. the albatross is going to kill school. strike up a dirge, there's going to be a funeral.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

School fought the wii...

...and the Wii won.

much fun was had with zack, hudson, and swane to procure a couple wiis from wal-mart in tyler. i regret the sleep i didn't get but otherwise it was a 10 for sure. keggnogg for LIFE.

snakebutt, too. yeah. the wii rules. if you want to get me one, don't hesitate. ;) byebye now.

exams. pray for me. i'm so worn out. life and wii and school and church and... well i guess that's it, but i swear it's enough. luuuuuv youuuuuu byee.
