'O Mighty Thing, The Albatross

Monday, December 11, 2006

Strike Up A Dirge...

...there's about to be a death, by way of murder.

with the victim finally revealed, four guardsmen called "the finals" arose to protect their evil leader, the one known as the fall semester of school. intimidating and fearsome, they strive to relentlessly guard their prince and rend and tear asunder anyone who would try to combat school. but, with all kingdoms, this one was doomed to so come to an end. the clever albatross had been chained to the castle tower for some time and had finally managed to saw off a few chain-links. he wasn't bound to the wall but he was still chained, not free. the only release to be able to enjoy the castle or the surrouding lands, the only chance the once-mighty albatross had was to completely destroy the evil ruler controlling the castle.

he approached the prince of classes and exclaimed "o dark ruler! o false champion! i am your undiong! leave while you can, free this kingdom, or action will be taken!"

the vile cretin laughed and ordered his guardians to execute the albatross and make of him a display for the people, so they would fear resistance. the guardsmen chased the battered and broken albatross to the gates of the city and quit running, all but the englishman. he continued after the albatross, eager to impress the ruler.

unfortunately for him, it was a trap.

after not returning, the greek guardsman went to search for the englishman. he instead found the albatross.

two of the finals are utterly dead; the other two are soon to follow in the path of failure. the albatross is going to kill school. strike up a dirge, there's going to be a funeral.


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