'O Mighty Thing, The Albatross

Monday, February 26, 2007

I'll Self-Destruct and Die (If You'd All Allow Me Breathing Room)

whoooo! hey gang, how's it going? i was sick, but i'm mostly better. my throat hurts and i cough every now and again, but we'll give it a few days to get back in line. today i wanna talk about risk taking...

...maybe not so much talk about it but rather mention it. it's crazy and scary but it's usually worth doing... and when it is, even if it's weird and kind of an "ahhhh!!" moment, one should back up what they think and do what they do. and be true to who you are, with yourself, with others, and of course with who you are in Christ.

...i've been thinking about New York City. and the summer. i might work at the comic store. maybe the church? maybe dbu?? what's a boy to do with all these options? pick one soon, and go with it. school's goin' well and i cannot WAIT (yeah i used caps, get over it?) for me and Dad's seventh annual road trip... this time we're hitting washington, idaho, orgeon, and montana.


in other news, music is freakin' awesome and my roommates are as well. this semester's good. i need to make really good grades. okay. bye now!

~tag it up, drew

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

O Cursed Day, You Are But Defeated!

...good evening! i don't like valentine's day all too often, but the two before this one had been pretty nice. valentine's day '05 was spent in dreadful Huntsville, TX, where i used to spend my days as a student at SHSU... anyway, huntsvegas is an awfully dismal place and it's always fuggly outside: rainy, gray or brown sky, humid as all get out, you get the picture. anyhow, valentine's day at shsu was absolutely lovely; it might have been a perfect weather day. no so for this year, but whatevs. last year's was nice since i went and hung out with a bunch of friends and, for some reason, i had money. i bought my friends pizza at a pizza restaurant and we all sat and ate it! glorious!! i didn't do too much this year. i dressed up, which may have been "hott", called some people on the phone, watched sin city (movie deluxx) and taught church... had a big group tonight and garsh is that tough.

...topic for another day, but i'll mention it nonetheless... the politics of church. how i hate thee!! get off m'dang back! oh well, i am a youth minister... for now...

~the albatross just might get to do missions this summer.

Monday, February 05, 2007

You and What Army?

i don't think that people read this blog. that's okay. i just write here to get my thoughts out of my head sometimes. it gets crowded in there. i need to write a paper. i lack motivation. why oh why oh why do i lack motivation? it seems like it would take an entire army to get me to do something i don't want to do... but then again, they might not even succeed. it seems that only one guy has the power to get me to do anything, and since he's me, he's not doing much to get me doing anything. maybe writing something at all other than that awful turabian title page will get me started. and maybe a nice shower. i don't like smelling myself the least bit funky. no sir no sir. i've been working more chillish music into my usually skull-crushing roster of bands. good stuff such as moby, dredg, okkervil river, the brothers martin, medeski martin & wood, muse, jonezetta, shiny toy guns, and a few other sweet acts of music. but i'm also listening to lots of extol, zao, and becoming the archetype. oh. and...

...i saw the freakin' Harlem Globetrotters. with my dad. it was awesome. and so is my dad. my whole family's pretty cool, even though they are second to none at driving me up the walls sometimes. always rushing around, no way to be in my opinion. i think i'm getting my writin' mojo flowin'... good thing it's a creative assignment and not research... i probably would have already given up.

...i've been reading that Bible book more and more... and even though i think i'm supposed to "get it" all, i sure don't. i'm workin' on it, and He's workin' on me. being a youth minister is hard. i'm glad that i won't be one forever. is that bad? i just want to get my wings goin'... pretty badly, but i'm content. i am!

there's a girl (isn't there always?) but there's a different approach this time. it's a different situation, i assure you! i'm done (for now, at least) falling for girls that i know too well and mistaking a stronger friendship for romantic feelings. no easier but hey i think i've got time.

summer plans... do i go back to buckner? not looking that way, but i don't know. do i stay home? i haven't done that in many many years. it would be weird but could be lots of fun. should i go out of state? colorado, california, or pennsylvania may be calling my name... we'll found out in time.

...i think i'm going to love the northwest.

~the albatross was once bulletproof, but they've made bigger bullets since then.