'O Mighty Thing, The Albatross

Monday, February 26, 2007

I'll Self-Destruct and Die (If You'd All Allow Me Breathing Room)

whoooo! hey gang, how's it going? i was sick, but i'm mostly better. my throat hurts and i cough every now and again, but we'll give it a few days to get back in line. today i wanna talk about risk taking...

...maybe not so much talk about it but rather mention it. it's crazy and scary but it's usually worth doing... and when it is, even if it's weird and kind of an "ahhhh!!" moment, one should back up what they think and do what they do. and be true to who you are, with yourself, with others, and of course with who you are in Christ.

...i've been thinking about New York City. and the summer. i might work at the comic store. maybe the church? maybe dbu?? what's a boy to do with all these options? pick one soon, and go with it. school's goin' well and i cannot WAIT (yeah i used caps, get over it?) for me and Dad's seventh annual road trip... this time we're hitting washington, idaho, orgeon, and montana.


in other news, music is freakin' awesome and my roommates are as well. this semester's good. i need to make really good grades. okay. bye now!

~tag it up, drew


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