'O Mighty Thing, The Albatross

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Rut (We Wrote This Song For You...)

got m'car back. woot! movin' into my sweet new suite at dbu... double woot! brent's movin' into a rad apartment so i'll have my old room back.. yes yes! church is going well, and being a youth minister's hard. it's a new year... so why is it so hard to do what i feel i need to? i ran for the first time in ages today. i want to do it more. i want to crack open my Bible more this year. like... multiple times every day more. this is attainable. this is feasable. i'm pretty sure my classes this semester are as follows...

greek semester 4 (deathdeath)
old testament part 2 (triplehammer deathblow)
jeremiah (sweet)
and hopefully geology (i need to, don't want to)
if i can't get geology i'll do fine arts or sum'n.

i'm listening to zao right now. they are a treat, i tell you. it's funny, i looked at that old top ten bands thing i did months back and it's kinda changed since. oh well. e-vo-lution. am i really in a rut? no... i don't think so. i'd just like to start back school. and i'd like to be better. and that's a start.

~love, drew


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