'O Mighty Thing, The Albatross

Friday, March 09, 2007

O Haste The Day

it seems, old friend, that it's spring break. you ask for my thoughts on this? i will indeed respond:

"kick ass."

i am pretty ready for this one, and already it smacks much more of "maturity" than previous breaks have. my part in planning the annual road trip has been a lot bigger this time, mom and dad have been gone giving me some responsibility even though i don't really go home, etc etc. i went and saw 300 with some of the loves, and boy howdy. it was fantastic. epic and artistic, it... no no, just go see it. remember kids, it's rated r, though. be ready? anyway...

...the music i listen to, lots of it has been switched around lately. lots more indie/electronic/dancey stuff than the usual grinding, chugging, guttural screaming and psycho riffs that usually dominate the playlist. but don't worry, cats, it's all still around. woo woo. so go listen to some music that you love regardless of what "style" it is or what anybody says about them.

~the albatross is all friends/family... FOREVER.


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